So I don't really have any new pictures.. They can ALL be found on Facebook and Instagram AND photo stream. Check it ouuuut.
An update: I'm a little sad.
I don't have any pictures of me, James, and Eli together.
We didn't have enough extra money to have Eli's newborn pics taken.
He's getting bigger and bigger every day! Whaaaa
I'm dreading his circumcision cause I don't want him to be in pain.
Sad, sad, sad.
On a happier note,
Eli's progressing great! He's gaining weight, he's eating pretty good, and he's slowly but surely getting on a good sleep schedule. Plus, he's freaking adorable! He still LOVes his baths and makes the funniest facial expressions. I'd like to think he recognizes me. He calms down at my voice [not always, but usually] and stares at me like he KNoWs me ;)
I've accepted that if Eli doesn't want to be awake, he WILL NOT be aroused. Cold water, loud noises [James yelling in his face], tickling, pulling up his eyelids, sitting him up, NOTHinG works. So, during the day when he needs to be more awake, I do what I can. I open all the blinds, turn on the tv, and don't alter them when he falls asleep. That way he'll associate those things with the daytime. Then at night, around 8:30, 9, I dim the lights, turn the tv low or off, and give him a warm bath, cuddle him, feed him, swaddle him, and then sure enough, he's out for a good 4 hours. Last night he woke up only every three hours so that was awesome. There's been minimal crying at night as well so that makes it all a little easier!
I must give a huge shout out to James. He's such a wonderful husband. He's extremely helpful and supportive. I would have gone crazy by now if it weren't for him. I'm serious.. Plus, him and Eli look so good together.
the twins
5 years ago