Thursday, January 19, 2017

Holiday Update

Being far away from home means that we miss out on spending time with some of our family! And that means... holiday photo update extraordinare! 

Let's start with good ol' Fall/Halloween. We went to Berry Patch Farms to look at pumpkins. Its a cute little rural farm just 15 minutes from our house. They had a hay-ride to the pumpkin patch and the kids went coo coo for pumpkins! They had the most adorable tiny baby pumpkins which Eli and Holland both loved gathering and we ended up just buying a couple of those at about $1 a piece. I loved seeing the vast variety of pumpkins! They had a little playground and petting zoo too.

This is at a park (which name escapes me) that is a well hidden gem just 5 minutes from our house. It's more of an outdoorsy park with biking and hiking trails, a walking path, picnic tables, and a river that you can kayak/canoe on. I'd love to do that one day! The kids love just running around and finding a perfect stick to carry around.

I did "unicorn buns" for Holland's costume even though she just wore the hoodie the whole time. Still cute! I love that she's gotten accustomed to me doing her hair and will just sit patiently. People ask me all the time "How do you get her to sit still?!" And I say.. "I make her. And now she's used to it." Haha.

A woman in our ward took professional pictures (for fun). I'm so glad she did! Holland was adorable as a unicorn and Eli was diggin' his getup. He loved the gadgets that came with it and people thought the band-aid was for special effect, even though really he had gotten a scratch on his forehead. It just worked out perfectly. You can't tell, but I'm wearing one of those skeleton shirts that has the baby skeleton on the stomach area. Not very many people noticed, but a few did and wished me congrats! It was the first time we ever announced it publicly (other than family). One friend even told me she was early pregnant too! 

Holland had such a good time that night that she had the biggest meltdown of her life when we got home (I also blame the candy and the late hour) When I took her buns out her hair had beautiful tight curls! This was post-tantrum, if you can't tell by her red and swollen face.

Mesa Temple Lights with the fam. One of my favorite Christmas traditions and of course the kids had a blast.

Ben's farewell talk Sunday. Love being together with family!

Went to see Christmas lights with some friends. It was really cold and fun and actually the first time either of them had the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap. They both declined. Haha.

Helping mommy decorate the tree! As soon as we got back from AZ, we got a tree pronto stat, so we could enjoy it long enough before it was time to leave for Texas. The kids were so enthusiastic about helping me and were having the time of their life. I love having holidays with these little munchkins! They are like kindred spirits, with their awe and excitement over all things Christmas! We decided to relocate the tree this year. Last year we had it in the kitchen in front of the bay window, but I wanted something cozier and more homey. I loved this spot much better!

I hope this video plays properly! This is on our way to Texas. Even since this recording, she has gotten better at singing along. She also sings along to "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" like a pro. Also, when the lyrics 'let it go' come on and she's waving her hands like that, it's because she's imitating Elsa as Elsa waves her hands and creates her castle. It's hilarious. We don't watch this movie very much, but Holland loves the songs. 

Some dark photos from Daniel and Jess's (Jess'?) mini-reception. Holland was being a charmer and loved dancing with anyone who would have her.

And this Eli.. standing in the corner at the temple.. picture courtesy of James who thought it was humorous. 

Cute picture of the cousins, excluding Avery, Emma, Rory, Jackson, 

This dress was so ridiculous but Holland made it look so cute! I french braided her hair on both sides and pinned it together in the back, leaving a few curls out. Her hair stays amazingly well if I hairspray it enough! The suspenders and bow tie were given to all the little boys and Eli looks so dapper. 

Christmas Eve in Texas.

Nearly all the stockings. Each stocking holder is hand picked by Uncle Tom (who is the Headrick's version of the real thing, Santa himself), based on each persons personalities. Eli and Holland got their own this year. Eli's is a cute, mischievous elf and Holland's is Minnie Mouse. Tom loves all things classic Disney and he is thrilled with Eli and Holland's love for Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Tim and Debbie Headrick stocking holder has always been Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause, and this year Santa handed out the same, vintage, Hallmark, never been opened Santa and Mrs. Clause from like, the 80's, to every married couple. It was so great! Oh, and Tom, I mean Santa, doesn't mess around!! When he knows what candy you love, he goes all out. Last year I got Tom (who is also a black licorice lover) some Venco licorice chalk because I wanted to share the goodness with him. And so this year he surprised me with 4 bags of it in my stocking. I was so impressed! He's the perfect Santa.

This is Christmas Eve when Grandpa Headrick was reading The Night Before Christmas while we were waiting for Santa to arrive.  

I know this is a terrible shot of Christmas morning but I am AWFUL at taking pictures in the moment. So much so that it is one of my New Years Resolutions!! Holland's wearing "Mrs. Clause" version of these pj's and Eli is wearing Santa clause. It was adorable, for the record.

Opening my brand new beautiful iPhone!! Bigger and better! Still in gold. Thanks James! I had my other phone for over 3 years so I think I deserved an upgrade, if I do say so myself. 

Christmas nap.

Fun in Texas!

A close up of the kissing booth. This was so hilarious to me. I love their personalities.

And last but not least, this was supposed to be our Christmas card.. but the Costco's here are dumb and take two weeks to process your order. Which means I would have had to order at the beginning of December.. and who has their life put together like that?! Also, for the record, that same day, out of curiosity, I uploaded my Christmas prints at the mesa Costco and they would have been ready the next day. So.. it really is my Costco's fault. 

The Headricks

Just a dab.

Hello there! It's been a few years!! I am greeting you from Woodstock, Georgia, in my bedroom, at the desk, on the computer, listening to my kids play t-minus two minutes before the best part of the day: NAPTIME.

lololololololololololol....just kidding. Not really. You get it.

Our regular day time routine goes like this:

Wake up. The kids stay in bed until about or 8:30 or 9, until mommy or daddy can't take Holland's whining anymore. Again, just kidding. Only sometimes.

Breakfast. Usually cereal, one sweet, one non-sweet. Or Eggo's (one of Mommy's favorite crappy treats) or sometimes cream of wheat, if they're not being too cranky and I can make it before they melt down from starvation.. But usually cereal. Holland, Eli and I have a mutual preference for Lucky Charms.

Get Your Vitamin and Go to the Playroom aka "Candy and mom forces us up to the playroom which we are always reluctant to do but always have the time of our life."
We usually stay and play in the play room until lunch time. One of Eli's favorite things to do is to find dead ladybugs by the windowsill and squeal like a little girl. Holland likes the stuffed animals and they both enjoy the play kitchen and play food. One of MY favorite things that they do is, on their own, pick a couple books and go sit on the daybed together in silence while occasionally exclaiming something exciting they see in the book.

12:00 Lunch and TV time. This is when I have a window to get things done! I try to limit their screen time to 2 hours a day but usually it's more like 3 MAYBE 4 depending on the day. At least there's a goal, right? Holland and Eli have pretty different tastes when it comes to appetite. Yogurt is always a winner for both, but Eli loves sandwiches (almond butter and honey/jam) and granola bars while Holland does not really like bread and opts to eat cheese, lunch meat and berries, and as much as I will let her have (she's a real porker.. my girl.)
Lately their favorite things to watch are Curious George, Care Bears (from the 80's.. James grew up with it and I found it on DVD on Amazon), and the Secret Life of Pets. We've also been enjoying youtube clips of Moana songs.

2:00 NAPTIME. Like I aforementioned, it's a special part of my day ;) Holland still naps every day, but Eli naps about every three days. He stays in his room regardless, and is allowed to play quietly with his toys and books for the allotted two hours. He has a clock that will turn green when he's allowed to come out (for morning time and nap time). It's a good system. I'm not gonna lie, its going to be a sad day when this schedule changes! I've gotten spoiled for sure.

Between 4 and 5 they wake up and then it's kind of a free-for-all while I either plan and make dinner, do some chores, or lay down because baby boy is tiring me out.

Dinner is at 6 and there has been nothing consistent since I've gotten pregnant. Thank heavens for Costco and pre-prepared/frozen meal options. My favs are their pineapple and bacon fully cooked chicken sausages, chicken nuggets, taquitos, pulled pork, potstickers, and frozen veggies.

Bath/shower time commences and then bedtime is about 8:00 and thats our day!!

We also like to go to the library (they have a train you can read on), the park, grocery store and of course Target. We have loved Target this past year around the holidays because we all love looking at decorations (they actually kind of lose their minds with excitement.. I have videos to prove it) for Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's, and St. Patrick's Day (Eli has a very personal, deeply-rooted, love for the color green).

So, that's us! Between the meltdowns, the scuffles, and the disagreements, Eli and Holland have a genuine love for one another and are good buddies, and I love watching them grow together.