Thursday, February 10, 2011

Misconceptions about Everyday Life in Rexburg, Idaho.

I wake up sweating and remember all the blankets I brought cause i thought i'd be freezing cold. Wrong.
I think that just cause it's sunny and cloudless that it'll be warmer. Wrong.
I believe that going to an LDS school would make the boys more awesome. Wrong.
I think that doing my own laundry is going to be a huge accomplishment. Wrong.
I think that all the men up here are going to be potato farmers (Thanks dad). Wrong.
I think that because it's snowing it must be absolutely colder than usual. Wrong. (It's actually warmer)
I figure that since everyone here is "looking for a husband", I would be unique to want to be the first Mormon nun. Wrong.
I still think that relief society and visiting teaching is for the older gals. Wrong.
I think my sister's "old" until I'm checking out a guy who i find out is older than her. Weird.
I think it'll be nice not having a job for a while. Wrong.
I think how great'll it'll be to make my own meals and food. Wrong. So terribly wrong.
I thought MY parents kept me in a bubble. Wrong.
I think "How much fun can Mormons have up here?" Then i find they have a Ping Pong Team, Wally Ball Team, Ice Fishing Derby, self defense classes, a huge fitness center, Jui Jitsu(I was only an oBsERveR), Ballroom and Swing dance classes, good-looking FHE brothers, bowling alley, ice-skating rink, and an awesome ward. Boring? Wrong.
I think that because it's still light at night outside, I must be in Alaska. Wrong. (The snow glows in the dark)
Turns out it's all about you KNOW. Go freshmen............


  1. "My sister is 'old.'" WRONG.

    Now THAT is a misconception ;)

    I love you...thanks for FINALLY posting!

  2. You've learned so much in so little go Gracie! :] It's always been about what you KNOW, but it takes getting out of High School and experiencing the real world to KNOW even that. Once you graduate, it kinda levels the playing field. If you're one of the cool and popular ones, it can be a little depressing to lose such status, so, in fact, it's better to have been nobody! (Not that you were, just sayin') Love you, Mom

  3. Now the line:
    "The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow gives the luster of midday to objects below."
    makes more sense to you. Right.
